Worship at St John’s



8am BCP Holy Communion Service (1st Sunday of the month)

10am Family Holy Communion Service in church

3pm (winter) 4pm (summer) Wild Church in cottage garden (4th Sunday of the month)


10am Communion Service in church.

Services at St John’s

  • Mask wearing is down to individual discretion - but we’d ask you to please stay away from our services if you have symptoms of Covid or other seasonal flu’s. We have many vulnerable individuals in our congregation!

  • If you would like to remain socially distanced, please take a red badge to indicate this. This allows others to respect your wishes.

  • Children’s toys and activities are available during the service, run by our Children & Families Worker, Dawn. We love to have the children involved in the service where possible, and we don’t mind a bit of extra noise and energy!

  • We share Holy Communion via simultaneous distribution, which effectively means that the priest will intinct the wafer for each communicant. There will be directions during the service, but please do come up to the altar to receive. If you would prefer to receive in one kind only, or just to receive a blessing this is absolutely fine. If you need the priest to bring the elements to you in your seat, please advise a warden.

  • Teas and coffees are served after the service in the church centre, please join us!

If you are looking for information on Baptisms, Weddings or Funeral services, please follow these links:


