Micah's Message

The Book of Micah

We are beginning a new series in the Old Testament book of Micah. The prophet Micah spoke God's word faithfully to the people of Judah over a period which saw the reign of four different kings. The book is therefore composed of different sermons as he speaks into different settings and to the different responses of the people to God. Yet his overarching message to them and to us is the same: we please God by loving mercy, acting justly and walking humbly with him (6:8). Our God is a God of mercy, yet he hates injustice and the oppression of the weak and powerless and we are to be like him. We will look at each of his messages in turn.

The Book of Micah

Watch this short (6 mins) video by The Bible Project which gives a helpful overview of the book of Micah.


Lesson 1: Sorrow

Micah's Message: Sorrow

His first message is a message of sorrow. Micah mourns the injustice and sin he sees in Judah. What is our response to sin and injustice in our world - and in our own lives?

Click to read our Bible passages.

Lesson 2: Hope

Micah's Message: Hope

We have come together to give thanks to Almighty God for his deliverance of our nation in times of war and danger; to remember with gratitude the courage and devotion of those who laid down their lives; to commend to God's care those who suffer as a result of war; and to pray for peace and justice in the world at this time.

Click to read our Bible passages.

Lesson 3: Against Injustice

Micah's Message: Against Injustice

We are back in our series in Micah today with some tough and relevant words from this faithful prophet. Why is it that we always long for more? How can we stop ourselves wanting what others have? And, like Micah’s listeners, do we pick and choose which bits of God’s word we listen to? Come and allow God to speak to you through our service today.

Click to read our Bible passages.


Lesson 4: True Worship

Micah's Message: True Worship

We continue in our series in Micah today in chapter 6. Micah tells the people that they have lost their first love for God. They have forgotten what true worship is all about. God ‘calls out’ his people because he doesn’t want to lose them. What about us? Are we just going through the motions in our worship? Have we lost that first love we had for God? Do we know what truly pleases God?

Click to read our Bible passages.

Lesson 5: Compassion

Micah's Message: Compassion

On this Advent Sunday, we conclude our sermon series in the book of Micah. This week our preacher is Rev John Freeman, curate at Greyfriars Church, Reading. He reminds us that our God is a God of compassion and forgiveness. He is a God of turnaround. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, God can take our brokenness, and that of those we love, and turn it around if we ask him.

Click to read our Bible passages.