This is Living

The Book of 1 Peter

Our summer series focused on some of the heroes and heroines of the book of Acts. One of them, the disciple Peter wrote this letter around 62 AD to the young churches across the region of what is modern Turkey today. It was not easy being a Christian. Emperor Nero's persecution of the church had begun. How were people to live as followers of Jesus?

Those who Peter was writing to felt isolated and on the edge of society. Peter wants them to have confidence to live knowing who they are in Jesus. They are part of God's family because of Jesus and he wants them to live in such a way that their lives speak of the gospel itself. Peter's words are for us too; as Jesus lived, so we live, as living examples of the gospel.

The Book of 1 Peter

Watch this helpful overview of the book of 1 Peter from the Bible Project, which gives context for our new series looking at how we should live as Christians today.


Lesson 1: Praise & Hope

This is Living - Praise & Hope

How should we live as Christians today? Our new six week sermon series in the letter of 1 Peter asks this question.

Peter writes to the early church which was finding life and faith hard in the face of persecution. His words have truth for us today. As Jesus live so should we, as living examples of the good news of God’s love.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 2: A New Identity

This is Living - A New Identity

We are in the second week of our new series ‘This is Living’, looking at the letter of 1 Peter. We are thinking about the new identity that we have in Jesus and all that means for us as individuals and as a church. Peter describes the church as precious and chosen, beloved.

How does that change how we see ourselves and how we see each other, the church?

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 3: Submitting to Others

This is Living  - Submitting to Others

We are in the third week of our series ‘This is Living’, looking at the letter of 1 Peter.

We are a thinking today about how we live and relate to others, especially those in authority over us and asking how we do live in a way that brings glory to God. Peter wants us to follow in Christ’s steps - he is our example.

Revd. Susie Templeton, Curate at Emmanuel Church is preaching today.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 4: True Witness

This is Living - True Witness

We are continuing in our series in the letter of 1 Peter.

Today, in chapter 3, we are thinking about true witness - how we live in such a way that points people to Jesus, witnessing to him and his goodness and love.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 5: Holy & Loving

This is Living - Humility & Endurance

We are continuing in our series in 1 Peter today, looking at chapter 4 and the call on us to be a holy and loving people. What does that look like practically?

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 6: Humility & Endurance

This is Living - Humility & Endurance

Today we finish our series in 1 Peter, looking at chapter 5. As Peter concludes his letter, he returns to two attitudes that have run through it: humility in relation to others and boldness in resisting evil. They are the most striking ways in which God's people are most like Christ and most unlike the world.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.