
The Book of Acts

Our new series, in the book of Acts, called Action Heroes will be looking at those who sought to witness and live boldly for Jesus in the power of the Spirit.

Acts is inspiring because its characters are ordinary like me and you. Yet, filled with the Spirit, they do incredible things - although certainly not without hardship or risk to their own lives.

The Book of Acts

Watch this helpful overview of the book of Acts from the Bible Project, which gives context for our new series looking at ordinary people, children, women and men, living extraordinary lives through the Spirit.


Lesson 1: Ordinary People

Action Heroes - Ordinary People

Our new series, in the book of Acts, called Action Heroes will be looking at those who sought to witness and live boldly for Jesus in the power of the Spirit.

Acts is inspiring because its characters are ordinary like me and you. Yet, filled with the Spirit, they do incredible things - although certainly not without hardship or risk to their own lives.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 2: Barnabas

Action Heroes Barnabas.png

Our second discussion in our Action Heroes series is about Barnabas.

There are times in our lives, when a word or deed by another can make all the difference to how we see things and whether we give up or not. Have you experienced that in your life?

In our reading today from Acts 11, we come across Barnabas, whose name means ‘son of encouragement”. Barnabas appears quite a few times in the book of Acts. Every time he does, his words and actions are to encourage and build others up, regardless of the impact on himself.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 3: Peter & Rhoda


Following our series on Action Heroes, this week we focus on Acts chapter 12 looking at Peter & Rhoda.

Peter is in prison facing death and the church prays earnestly, constantly, night and day. Incredibly and miraculously their prayers are answered and Peter walks free. Even Peter, can’t quite believe it.

Do you pray with expectation that God will answer your prayers, and often in ways that far exceed our hopes and dreams?

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 4: Lydia

Action Heroes - Lydia

In Acts 16 we read about the conversion of Lydia in Philippi.

She was a successful business woman, a trader in purple cloth. She hears Paul speak about Jesus and asks to be baptised, along with her household. She welcomes Paul and Silas to stay at her home and then the growing church in Philippi begins to meet there, including the town jailor and his family after they hear about Jesus.

Revd. Susie Templeton will be preaching for us today.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 5: Paul

Action Heroes - Paul

Paul faced many hardships to share the good news of Jesus. He is the ultimate action hero of the book of Acts. This story of the shipwreck is perhaps one of the most dramatic. He put his confidence in God even in the midst of the storm. God was his rock and his deliverer.

Martyn Eden is preaching for us today. Martyn was the founding Dean of the London Institute for Contemporary Christianity, Director of Public Affairs for the Evangelical Alliance and until his retirement in 2020 Political Editor of Premier Christian Radio. He is a Licensed Lay Minister and, most importantly, Rev Sarah’s Dad.

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 6: Priscilla & Aquila

Action Heroes - Priscilla & Aquila

Today we are looking at a couple called Priscilla and Aquila.

They lived boldly for Jesus. They met Paul in Corinth and then worked with him there to build up the church. We see how they lived lives that were expectant for all that God was going to do. Lives that were excited about building for God’s kingdoms and lives that encouraged others.

As we begin a new term, how is God calling us to serve him in new ways?

Click to read our Bible passages for today.

Lesson 7: Firm Foundations

Action Heroes - Firm Foundations

As we finish our summer Action Heroes series today, our focus is on Jesus as the firm foundation in life.

For all the action heroes and heroines in our sermon series, Jesus was their firm foundation whatever life threw at them. Today in Acts 4 we see particularly in Peter’s life how that was the case.  

For us as a church and as individuals, it really matters what underpins our life, particularly when everything around us is so uncertain. May Jesus be our rock, our cornerstone, our firm foundation. 

Click to read our Bible passages for today.