Holy Week

This Holy Week is a journey through deep emotions.

There is the celebration of Palm Sunday, the fear and uncertainty of Maundy Thursday as Jesus is arrested, and the pain and sadness of Good Friday. We end with the hope and joy of Easter Sunday.


Palm Sunday

Celebrates Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem on a donkey, with crowds greeting him laying down palm branches.

On Palm Sunday we will join as a congregation on Zoom at 10am


Maundy Thursday

Jesus washed his disciples feet, broke bread, drank wine and prayed in the garden of Gethsemene.

On Maundy Thursday, join us for a special Zoom service at 7.30pm as we share an Agape meal together.


Good Friday

A day of reflection on Jesus’ crucifixion and his sacrifice of his life for us.

On Good Friday, join us as we worship online together at 11am with the Churches of Woodley, followed by a time for ‘Reflection on the Cross’ from 12pm - 3pm at St John’s Church. All welcome.


Easter Sunday

The Resurrection - the greatest day of joy.

Jesus is risen!

Join us either in person at St John’s Church, where we will have a 10am Family Service or an online pre-recorded service which will be broadcasted at 10am. Don’t forget to join online for Coffee & Chat at 11.30am.

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Easter for Children

Discover a variety of activities to help your families think about Easter and worship God together over the holidays.

Get a little muddy, create your own garden and join in with the Easter Egg Hunt around Woodley.


For God so loved the World that he gave his one and only Son
— John 3: 16