Catch up with some of our previous online services


25th December - Christmas Day

Christmas Morning service

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

24th December - Crib Service

Christmas Eve, 4.30pm - Online only!

Come meet Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey as they finally reach Bethlehem after a long, long journey…


Sunday 19th December - Carol Service

Online Service of Lessons and Carols

Sunday 19th December

It’s the fourth Sunday in Advent, which means only one thing - Christmas is nearly here! This week in our service, we are hearing Mary’s story - her patient waiting not just as a pregnant woman waiting to become a mother, but as part of the people of Israel longing for the arrival of their promised Messiah. We listen to her song of worship in response to what God is doing in her life, where she outlines His power to subvert human expectation, to lift up the lowly and oppressed - this is what her people had been waiting for! Today, we are still waiting for the fulfilment of these promises, having seen the story begin with the birth of Christ 2000 years ago - so how do we celebrate in response to that?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)


Sunday 12th December

Our Advent Series “Worship in the Waiting” continues this week, with the theme “Hope-filled Expectation”. How many of us have been disappointed by something we’ve waited for? The people of God waited over 400 years to hear His voice before John the Baptist appeared in the wilderness, proclaiming that the wait was over and the ancient promises were being fulfilled. But when Jesus began his ministry, he was not at all what anyone expected! How can we learn to sit with faith and “hope-filled expectation” when things don’t quite turn out the way we thought they would?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Sunday 5th December

As Advent continues, we are looking at our theme of “Worship in the Waiting'' and this week’s focus is on Active Patience. What does it mean to be patient - and what are we waiting for? Is Jesus really coming back, after all it’s been 2000 years already…! Why hasn’t he come back already? As we prepare to celebrate Jesus’s first arrival, it is only natural to think about his promised second arrival, and what that means for us as disciples waiting for him to return.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week:

  • We wait with Great Expectancy

  • Come Thou Long Expected Jesus


Sunday 28th November - Advent Sunday

This Sunday we celebrate Advent Sunday, the start of both a new church year and the season of preparation as we look ahead to the joy of Christmas. Often Advent is associated with a time of waiting, but it's not about idly sitting by until something exciting happens - it's about lovingly preparing our hearts and lives to receive the transforming truth of the love of Christ, incarnate in the man Jesus, who came to live among us. So we have 4 weeks of Advent season to get ready, how do we worship in a time of waiting? What can this season bring us? This week's theme is "Holy Suspense" and we are looking at what living in tension between the historical and the promised arrivals of Jesus can mean for us today.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week:

  • O Come O Come Emmanuel

  • We Have Heard the Distant Bells

Sunday 21st November - Christ The King

The church year comes to a close this week with "Christ the King" Sunday and the final service before Advent begins next week. We are delighted to welcome the Revd Liz Jackson, Associate Archdeacon of Berkshire to join us, and she will be reflecting with us on what kings and kingdoms mean, what we expect from this language and how we can understand Jesus to be a King.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week:

  • Crown Him with many crowns

  • What kind of King


Sunday 14th November - Remembrance

Service of Remembrance

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week:

  • Praise to the Lord the Almighty

  • I vow to thee my country

  • Eternal Father

  • Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer

Sunday 7th November

This week we are thinking about the call of Jesus to the first disciples, as they sat mending their nets beside the Sea of Galilee. I must say, I'm always intrigued by these stories - they seem so sure and confident in their response to get up, leave everything behind and follow this new prophet and rabbi. A bit later we will be considering what that call meant to the disciples, and what it means to us today - to repent, believe and follow Christ with our whole lives.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)


Sunday 31st October

The Story of St John’s

The foundation stone for St John’s church was laid 150 years ago on 25th Oct 1871. As we approach All Saints Day, a time to think about those who have gone before us, what is our inherited story here at St John’s? We know a bit about the history of the building, but what is the history of our people?

This week we would like to make space for some reflection on your time at St John’s, however long that has been. Using the Examen principles, we would like to collect a record of your significant moments that involve St John’s, those times both good and difficult, which have shaped you and your faith. These can be contributed anonymously, as they will be shared within the congregation to build a picture of how we carry the faith as St John’s Woodley.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 24th October

This week we our reflecting on our gospel reading using an extract from Tom Wright's study "Mark for Everyone". We meet the blind beggar Bartimaeus, and witness his incredible encounter with Jesus and his faith which leads to healing. What can Bartimeaus teach us about discipleship?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 17th October

This week our gospel takes us to the start of the journey to Jerusalem, as Jesus tries to prepare his disciples for what is ahead - his vocation will ultimately only be fulfilled in death, but his friends are not ready to understand that. As we ponder our own reactions to this powerful passage, it raises questions about what it really means for us to truly follow Jesus.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 10th October

Safeguarding Sunday

This week is "Safeguarding Sunday" and churches across the country are spending some time thinking about what safeguarding is and how we can encourage a better safeguarding culture in our church communities. Protecting vulnerable people is at the heart of the Christian message and Safeguarding Sunday is all about creating an opportunity for churches to show their communities that they take this responsibility seriously. We will be using resources from the safeguarding charity Thirtyone:eight, including a reflection on how safeguarding is a justice issue, and why it is so important at this particular time from their CEO Justin Humphreys. Our parish Safeguarding Officer is Laura Chandler, and she keeps us all in check with regard to DBS clearance, various training and the Safeguarding Action Plan. However, safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and we all have a part to play in making sure St John's is a safe place for everyone to flourish.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 3rd October

A Home and a Hope for the Future

This week we finish up our Creationtide series on Renewing a Home for All by looking to the future. How can we have hope for a future, when the current situation is so bleak? Without hope we are left with no reason to change at all, so it is important to place our hope in something that is worthy of it – the person of Jesus Christ. Holding the tension between the hope we have in His redemption and the chaos of the environmental crisis, how can we move forward in practical, intentional ways to safeguard creation for the coming generations? Big questions to ponder once again, with no easy answers except the true hope which is at the core of our faith.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)


Sunday 26th September

Praying for Our Home Planet & Its People

This week in our series on "Renewing a Home for All" during Creationtide, we are focusing on prayer. Praying for our home, and all who live in it. Praying for healing from the dis-order and chaos that impacts the natural world. Lamenting and confessing our part in all of this.

The symbol this year for the Season of Creation is Abraham's Tent, which signifies a commitment to safeguard a place for all who share our common home, just as Abraham did in the book of Genesis. Churches celebrating this theme for Creationtide have been encouraged to use the image of Abraham's tent in some way, during worship, or as a sign of hospitality outside their buildings. So, we will have a tent in church as part of our worship this week. There will be extra space during the service to pray, and we would encourage you to write down these prayers in some form, and leave them in the tent as an act of worship – symbolizing before God and each other that our intention as a community is to create a home for all.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 19th September

Oikologie: Peacemaking As Home-Building

This week we are continuing to celebrate Creationtide, by looking at “Peace-making as Home Building”. We live in a fractured world where relationships are broken between people, God and nature - but Jesus's gift to us is peace that goes beyond what the world understands. What would it look like to work towards a peace that re-integrates all such broken relationships, and how can we offer the peace of Christ to the world around us? 

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 12th September - Harvest Festival

Oikologie: Wisdom from Our Home Planet

This week we are continuing our celebration of the Season of Creation, or Creationtide, where we shape our worship around giving thanks for all aspects of God's creation, and paying attention to the natural world with the aim of confessing our sin towards it, repenting or changing our behaviour, and actively working towards seeing healing and wholeness come about across the whole created order.

It's particularly significant this year as the prepares to host COP26, the UN Climate Change Conference which is being held up in Glasgow in November. This is a big meeting of world leaders who are coming together to agree actions that will move us forward towards the global target of net zero carbon emissions by 2050. We are currently making progress, but not fast enough!

As we reflect on this year's theme for Creationtide "Renewing the Oikos of God", where Oikos is the Greek word for 'home', let's think about what that can look like politically as well as in our individual lives. This week we are celebrating Harvest Festival, giving thanks for God's provision and the gifts of the earth for our nourishment, and thinking about the wisdom of the natural world – what can learn about God by getting to know, and caring for, his creation?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)


Sunday 5th September

Oikonome: A Just Home for All People

As we start to leave summer behind us and move into September, it's the start of a new season for a lot of things. In the church, the next few weeks are known as the Season of Creation – or Creationtide – and form about 5 weeks where we shape our worship around giving thanks for all aspects of God's creation, and paying attention to the natural world with the aim of confessing our sin towards it, repenting or changing our behaviour, and actively working towards seeing healing and wholeness come about across the whole created order.

Oikonome: A Just Home for All People
This year's theme for Creationtide is "Renewing the Oikos of God", and Oikos is the Greek word for 'home'. This week, to kick it all off, we will be considering what this means, and reflecting on our Bible readings to see what God is saying to us about how we treat our home, who we share it with, and what that means for the future.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)


Sunday 29th August - Celebration

This week we conclude our summer series with the Discipline of Celebration. Celebration gives us the strength to live in all the other disciplines, because it produces joy in our lives. Why do we find it so difficult as a practice? What would life look like if we committed to a regular spiritual practice of celebration? How can it help us in our journey to grow closer to God?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 22nd August - Guidance

This week we continue with the penultimate in our summer series working our way through the classic book "A Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster. We are looking at the discipline of guidance -how do we hear from God not just individually but together, as a church family? What does it mean to value unity above all things? An interesting and challenging discipline to get us thinking about the ways in which we discern the will of God for our church.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 15th August - Worship

This week we welcome Daniel Carter as our guest preacher, and he is sharing some reflections on the Spiritual Discipline of worship. Of course, many of us will already worship regularly in different forms, and particularly when we gather together for the Sunday service whether that is online or in the building! But what does it mean to worship "in Spirit and in truth"? How can we make worship an intentional choice, come what may? What is it about worship that draws us closer into the loving gaze of our Father? How can we build a practice of worship that is about discipleship and not personal preference? All crucial questions to ponder this week as we look to the second of the corporate spiritual disciplines.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 8th August - Confession

We are delighted to welcome back Rev'd Hasna Khatun as our online preacher again. Hasna will be reflecting for us on the Discipline of Confession – our 9th Spiritual Discipline in the series, and the first of the "corporate" disciplines. Confession is often something that we don't like to get too specific about, but why is a Christian discipline of confession important and how does it help us in our discipleship journey? We look forward to being challenged again by Hasna's wisdom!

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 1st August - Service

This week we welcome Dov Whittle as a guest preacher, sharing with us about the Discipline of Service - the final of our "Outward Disciplines". What does it mean to offer ourselves in service in a way that honours Jesus, and builds up our community? What encouragement can we draw from scripture about how to balance power with service? How can we inhabit a life of Christlike service in a world that doesn't understand it?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

JULY 2021

Sunday 25th July - Submission

This week we are delighted to welcome Rev'd Hasna Khatun, a Pioneer Minister in Southampton, to our online service to share with us about the Discipline of Submission. What do we understand about submission, and when can it become unhealthy? How can a practice of submission actually lead to freedom in our lives? And how does it help us grow in holiness as part of our discipleship journey?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 18th July - Solitude

This week we are looking at the Discipline of Solitude. Perhaps you feel you have had a lot of practice at this, with the 18 months of social distancing and isolation?! However, solitude is not the same thing as loneliness, and can actually be a healthy thing which helps us to be present with others in fellowship. How can we follow the model of Jesus, who regularly sought out space from his friends, to pray and to be in the presence of God?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 11th July - Simplicity

This week we move into the Outward Disciplines, starting with the Discipline of Simplicity. Simplicity is an inward reality that results in an outward lifestyle. It's not just about what possessions we own, or how much money we earn - it's a practice of openness and trust in God's provision. How can we look to practice simplicity in our everyday lives, and how will this lead to freedom from anxiety?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 4th July - Study

Our Summer series continues with the Discipline of Study... now don't worry, it's not all about how well you did at school! Let's have a look at the power of study to transform us, through the renewing of our minds. As always, there's extra reading and resources available in the newsletter, and do let us know if you have found study has helped you connect with God in a deeper way!

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

JUNE 2021

Sunday 27th June -

This week we are looking at the spiritual discipline of fasting.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 20th June -

This week we are moving on to look at our second Spiritual Discipline of the Summer – the discipline of prayer! This is a big subject to cover in one week, so I’m very grateful to have Lesley and Cynthia join me for a conversation about prayer, what we find helpful about it and the impact it has had on our lives. So a bit of a different style of sermon, but great to start hearing some different voices! Again, you can find some further resources on the newsletter, and we'd encourage you to spend some time this week exploring the practice of prayer in a new way.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 13th June - Meditation

This morning we are looking at our first Spiritual Discipline of the Summer – Meditation! Susie will be diving into the Biblical foundation for this practice, and how it can help us to connect with God and deepen our discipleship. Don’t forget the challenge is to spend some time each week trying out each spiritual discipline, so we encourage you to have a go at meditation over the next few days. There are some tips to get started and some further resources on the newsletter, and of course if you want to get hold of the book itself, you can follow along in depth week by week.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 6th June - The Longing to go Deeper

This week we start a summer sermon series based on the classic book "A Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster. Over the next few weeks, we'll be looking at each of the 12 spiritual disciplines outlined in the book with the aim of investing in our inner lives. There will be daily readings and questions to ponder during the week, as we have a go at each spiritual practice, and a chance to share our experiences the following Sunday. This week, Susie introduces the series and we consider the invitation to a deeper discipleship.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

MAY 2021

Sunday 30th May - Trinity

Trinity Sunday is the one Sunday of the year where we focus on a doctrine, rather than a story from Jesus's life or the teachings of the early church. Understanding a 3-in-1 God is confusing for the best of us, so what is all the fuss about? Let's have a look at what the doctrine of the Trinity can teach us about who God is, and what that means for us.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 23rd May - Pentecost

Today we celebrate Pentecost - after last week's inbetween-ness, the return of God's presence to the world through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem. This week we are reflecting on what it means for the Holy Spirit to be active in the world, and how he calls the church to partner with God in offering hope to those around us.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 16th May - Seventh Sunday of Easter

This week we reflect on the prayer that Jesus prayed for his disciples before his death. He prays that they would be “sanctified in the truth”, so what does it mean to be a truth-telling community? And why is it important for the church to face up to our fears?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Ascension Day - 13th May 2021

This service was on Zoom. The order of service can be downloaded here

Sunday 9th May - Sixth Sunday of Easter

The gospel reading for this week takes us back to The Upper Room, and Jesus's final words to his disciples. The last message he left them before his death, was one of his deep love for them - to call them his friends, and to charge them with loving each other in the same way.

What does it mean to see friendship as the thing that defines the church, and what might it look like for us in Woodley?

As part of this online service, we will be sharing an Agape Meal together, so please do have some bread and a drink with you when you watch it!

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 2nd May - Fifth Sunday of Easter

This week we hear the story of Philip and the Ethiopian, and consider how the gospel reaches out to the furthest corners of the world, encompassing those who have been outcast and marginalised as it spreads.

What can we learn from the Ethiopian's response to the good news? And do we trust where the Holy Spirit is leading us?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

APRIL 2021

Sunday 25th April - Fourth Sunday of Easter

The life of the early church saw the disciples following in Jesus' footsteps, continuing his ministry of healing, reconciliation and preaching forgiveness of sins. How does the healing of a lame man threaten the religious institution? Healed by the name of Jesus, it points towards the promised time where God will restore all things to his glory - instituting a new order of things brought together under the risen Christ.

This was a revolutionary message, seeking to disrupt the established order of things, and bringing a difficult choice to those with vested interests in the way things have always been.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 18th April - Third Sunday of Easter

In the weeks after the first Easter, the disciples were transformed from scared and confused, to bold and confident, by the resurrection appearances of Jesus.

This week we hear an account from Luke, which affirms that the resurrection was real, and has a real impact both for the disciples in the story and for us today. In the presence of the risen Christ, peace overcomes fear and we are promised hope and healing for the whole world.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 11th April - Second Sunday of Easter

We are continuing in John's gospel today and thinking about the risen Jesus' appearance to Thomas in the upper room.

Thomas, who had wrestled with his doubts about the resurrection for a whole week, finally sees Jesus and declares in awe and wonder "My Lord and My God". How central is worship and witness in our lives? Sarah is preaching on her last Sunday with us.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 4th April - Easter Sunday

Join us as we worship together at 10am online and in person. We celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection, his victory over death and darkness, and his restoration of all things in him.

Alleluia! Christ is Risen!

He is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)


All of our Holy Week services and activities, from Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday are in one place for you to follow again.

MARCH 2021

Sunday 28th March - Palm Sunday

The service was broadcasted on Zoom. Listen to today’s sermon below.

We remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem riding on a donkey and the praises of the crowd. This is the start of Jesus' journey to the cross and the demonstration of what true love really looks like.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch)

Sunday 21st March - Faith in Hard Times: Joy

The service was broadcasted on Zoom. Listen to today’s sermon below.

Today we are in the final chapter of our series 'Faith in Hard Times'
looking at the Old Testament Book of Ruth.

We see in chapter 4, Naomi's joy as God transforms her life. Her blessing is also ours as from this family line comes Jesus, our Redeemer. The service will be led by Revd. Sarah and joined by Wendy Sparkes preaching.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch)

Sunday 14th March - Faith in Hard Times: Relationships

On this Mothering Sunday, join us for a special service as we give thanks for our mothers, and those who have been like mothers to us in our lives. We also recognise that this day is often a sad one for some of us; a painful reminder of who is missing in our lives for different reasons.

In our sermon series 'Faith in Hard Times' in the book of Ruth, we are also thinking about relationships and how we need each other, especially when things in life are not easy. We see in chapter 3 that it is Naomi's turn to help her daughter-in-law Ruth.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 7th March - Faith in Hard Times: Hope

The service was broadcasted on Zoom. Listen to today’s sermon below.

Today we are in the second of our series 'Faith in Hard Times' looking at the Old Testament Book of Ruth.

In chapter 2, there is a shift in Naomi's darkness as she begins to hope again. She sees that God is at work caring for her, in ways she could never have imagined. We see the kindness of Ruth and Boaz, and the challenge for us that our actions can make a huge difference to the lives of others.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch)


Sunday 28th February - Faith in Hard Times: Lament

The service was broadcasted on Zoom. Listen to today’s sermon below.

We begin a new four week series in the Old Testament book of Ruth.

It is a story of faith in hard times. Naomi has lost everything, her sons, her husband and in a time of famine returns empty and bitter to Bethlehem, her home town. Yet through the love and loyalty of outsider Ruth, and the faithfulness of godly Boaz, hope and joy are to return to her life. God is barely mentioned in the text but he is at work beautifully, graciously, faithfully in Naomi's life. As she is blessed, so are we. For God's great plans include a family line which sees the birth of the Messiah, our redeemer and joy bringer.

As we await the end of lockdown, may we fix our eyes on Jesus who is at work even in, and through, the hard times we face.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 21st February - “I AM”: The Resurrection & The Life

In the final "I am" saying in our sermon series, we look at what Jesus means when he says "I am the resurrection and the life".

Lesslie Newbigin writes "Resurrection is no longer a mere doctrine: it has a living face and a name. Jesus is himself the presence of the life which is God's gift beyond death". Rev Susie Templeton, Curate at Emmanuel Church, is preaching for us today as we look at Jesus as he weeps at the tomb of his friend Lazarus. Jesus is the one who knows and shares our pain and yet dies to give us life. He alone brings us hope for life beyond the grave.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 14th February - “I AM”:The Way, The Truth & The Life

Today we come to the most well known of Jesus' "I am" sayings: "I am the way and the truth and the life" (John 14:6).

We often struggle with this declaration as it seems so arrogant in our pluralist society. Why and how can Jesus claim to be the only way to the Father? It is important that we understand and love these words again, for the sake of others and ourselves, because they are the source of all joy and hope for this life and the next. They speak of self-sacrificial love and self-denial and provide answers to the biggest questions of life. Sarah is preaching.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 7th February - “I AM”: The True Vine

Our worship today is an All Age service, suitable for our whole church family. We are continuing in our "I Am" series looking at what Jesus means when he says "I am the true vine" in John 15: 1-8

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

To view the children’s worship, please click here.

Sunday 31st January - “I AM”: The Good Shepherd

After another difficult week of lockdown, we long for God's comfort, his care and reassurance. In today's service we hear Jesus' words of comfort from John 10 as he says "I am the good shepherd". He says "my sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand" (v27-28).

What does it look like to trust in Jesus as our good shepherd as individuals and as a church? Sarah is preaching today.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 24th January - The Wedding at Cana

We are taking a break in our 'I AM' sermon series today, and joining in with Oxford Diocese's Church at Home service - live streamed here at 10am.

Bishop Steven Croft is presiding and Revd. Sarah is preaching as part of the new 'Come and See' series, on the wedding at Cana, and Jesus' offer of abundant life.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 17th January - “I AM”: The Light of the World

Life feels quite bleak and dark at the moment. Into that darkness, Jesus declares "I am the light of the world". What does it mean for him to be the light that dispels the darkness? How do we live in his light?

Revd. Susie Templeton, curate at Emmanuel Church, is preaching for us today in the second of our sermon series in John's gospel and Jesus' 'I am' sayings.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 10th January - “I AM”: The Bread of Life

As we begin 2021 and live through lockdown 3, we need to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus - our true source of hope for the future. But who is Jesus - who does he say he is? It matters, because who he is impacts who we are in him.

Over the next six weeks we will be looking at John's gospel and Jesus' "I am" sayings. Jesus reveals to us through accessible images who the great 'I AM' is (that's God's Old Testament name). Indeed John wants us to see here is God in our midst. What does it all mean for our lives?

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns for the Week: (Click to Watch & Listen)

Sunday 3rd January

Our service on this first Sunday of the new year was held live on Zoom as we gathered as a church family for worship.

Bible Readings: (Click to Read)

Hymns: (Click to Watch & Listen)